There are reasons (the feast of the lamb)

(Spanish page)

Only the brave has the ability to create, only the bold must write, only the morally intrepid are worthy of speaking in loneliness while reading a book.

Students of a class with too many drops, kidnap a teacher.  If he is able to pass an exam of its own subject, they will release him, that is the beginning of “There are reasons”. Twenty-five years later, one of those young men, now a senior political party, must cancel a conspiracy to overthrow the king of Spain.  According to some information, the infantas are illegitimate daughters. The sewers of power will use all available means.  From manipulation of the press to judges conspired with the masters of the system, will be use so that nothing changes. Everything gets complicated when our main character falls in love with Eva, a Galician leader of a newly created party.  Despite their antagonistic views, they enjoy arguing, even though they know that their positions will remain the same no matter what.

Politics and its management are increasingly visible, describing convulsive and interesting moments.  Although the power is defended, as it did with that teacher who put unfair exams, we have in our hand not to follow the game to the confrontation. There are always reasons to act right or wrong, the choice is up to us.